Improvement of oil production and recovery of waste water (Ref. Misure 124, PSR Calabria Region 2007-2013). The aim of the project was the valorisation of extra virgin olive oil in relation to the hygienic, nutritional and sensorial qualities, in order to realize modern typical productions. Furthermore, the project wanted to develop a technological process for the recovery of production by-products that have always been considered a burden for the company.

Characterization, development and production of extra virgin olive oil and enhancement of the recovery of manufacturing by-products (Ref. Misure 124, PSR Calabria Region 2007-2013). The project activities were aimed at improving the competitive quality in traditional agro-industrial productions of the Mediterranean area, such as that of extra-virgin olive oil, for an increase in added value, and for the recovery and enhancement of waste materials from the industrial processing.

Valorization of by-products of oil production (Ref. Misure 124, PSR Calabria Region 2007-2013). The research was aimed at the development of processes for the recovery and reuse of waste oil production industry.

GRAPE&HEALTH WINE-Intelligent system of Global actions to improve Health benefits of italian Wine - (Ref. Industria call 2015 - PII MADE IN ITALY). The aim of the project was to intervene at all stages of the enological supply chain to improve the nutritional content and the positive effects of wine on human health.

Integrated Lemon Project (Ref. Misure 124, PSR Campania Region 2007-2013). The project aimed to improve the production of lemons by applying beneficial micro-organisms. The project intervention also aimed to encourage the recovery of by-products of the limoncello industry, with consequent enhancement of the same.

Bioactive peptides from the cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis commonly called Spirulina (Ref. POR FESR Campania Region 2014-2020-Research and Innovation). The aim of the project is to obtain a crude protein mixture of bioactive peptides from Spirulina.

Interlab4innovation is a project that aims to internationalise the research and innovation services offered by Laboratoria (Rif. POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014-2020 - ASSE III - OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO 3.4 – AZIONE 3.4.2. AVVISO PUBBLICO PER LA CONCESSIONE DI CONTRIBUTI FINALIZZATI AL FINANZIAMENTO DI PROGRAMMI DI INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE DELLE MICRO E PMI CAMPANE CUP B25F19000230007) The main objective of the INTERLAB project was the enhancement of the company's international dimension in the area of biotechnology and agri-food and the opening of a new market in Romania.
The results obtained in the INTERLAB project constitute a starting point for the introduction of the laboratory services in the Romanian market. The project has allowed the formation of an international commercial network with the introduction of new technological solutions integrated into business processes and the launch of the dedicated Interlab4innovation brand.
In detail, in this project, with the support of the supplier Business innovation council Srl, the following activities were carried out:
• a web portal www.inter-lab.it in English and Romanian;
• web marketing activities for the promotion of company activities with possible new customers and stakeholders;
• specialist support actions, to build a commercial and partnership network system;
• a marketing plan that turned out to be one of the project activities of fundamental importance as it allowed the reproduction, modulation, and organization of the activities imagined in the design phase, then concretized in the course of implementation;
• a dedicated brand based on originality and business needs
The realization of the INTERLAB internationalization project has allowed the Laboratory to create a marketing channel in Romania in particular to offer prototyping services for products and processes in the field of sustainable agriculture and the nutraceutical sector with particular attention to the health characteristics of the products.

“Production and formulation of PHYTOextracts with beneficial and antiviral properties” (Ref. POR FESR Campania Region 2014-2020 experimental development, technological transfer and industrialization projects).
The aim of the project is to create a product with biological and/or antiviral action based on bioactive metabolites extracted from plant raw materials (e.g. chilli pepper, licorice, hemp and fungi) either in a mixture or in purity in order to obtain new phytoextracts for health/therapeutic purposes to be used in the pharmaceutical-food sector.

BIO-BEAN | Bioformulations based on beneficial microorganisms and their natural substances for the production and enhancement of legumes
PSR Calabria 2014-2020 Mis.16 Int. 16.02.01
The project aims to enhance the typical products of the Calabria Region through the recovery of native varieties, aiming for an overall increase in the competitiveness of the supply chain through a product valorization action. The purpose of the research is to encourage a reduction in environmental impact and the implementation of innovative policies in the field of plant production, opening up to a new sector, that of vegan-friendly specialty foods. Through an evaluation of technological characteristics, the goal is to create a complete food obtained from the production of typical legumes and assess their actual beneficial properties to the body. Biobean aims to promote innovation in the Calabrian territory, developing connections and synergies between companies, research and development centers, particularly promoting investments in product development, technology transfer, social innovation, and eco-innovation.
Expected outcomes:
• Recover native varieties of Calabrian legumes
• Develop a bioformulation production system based on beneficial microorganisms and their metabolites
• Obtain a bio-amendment to spread on the soil through a continuous biofermentation system.

Project implemented to introduce innovative process technological solutions aimed at improving company production processes. The planned investments facilitated the introduction of innovative technological solutions, significantly enhancing our company's research laboratory.
Through the acquisition of assets, we have upgraded our production line with cutting-edge machinery and equipment, enabling us to obtain stable extracts over time and rich in health-beneficial substances derived from agri-food waste materials.
Investment in technical equipment has played a fundamental role in ensuring compliance with the highest quality standards. Furthermore, process optimization has promoted greater operational efficiency and better resource management, thus contributing to the economic and environmental sustainability of our activities.
Rif. POR Campania FESR 2014-2020 - Asse III - Obiettivo Specifico 3.1 - Azione 3.1.1 - AGEVOLAZIONI ALLE IMPRESE CAMPANE - FONDO REGIONALE PER LA CRESCITA CAMPANIA -CUP B29J21029510009