Linfa S.C.A R.L.
Laboratoria has become part of the structure of Linfa Scarl which is a non-profit consortium company, created by the will of public bodies such as universities and companies operating in the research and technological innovation sector. Linfa is a public-private laboratory whose multidisciplinary approach allows the team to relate to public and private operators for the promotion of research in the agri-food and life science sectors.
Santarita S.R.L.
Santa Rita is a company that been working with fresh domestic products to produce vegetable preserves and semi-preserves. Santa Rita specializes in producing regional specialty products, emphasizing the use of high-quality raw materials from domestic sources and utilizing traditional transformation processes without the aid of any preservatives, bleaching agents, acidifiers, or other additives. Santa Rita works on research and development programs for new food products in all trade of the agro-food sector.
In carrying out research and experimentation programmes, Laboratoria avails itself of prestigious collaborations with the academic and research world. Tthe most representative ones below: